Relations between men and women are complicated enough on their own, without us unnecessarily complicating matters.

There are so many things in life that fall outside of the realm of our control. Acts of God, other people, where we are born and raised are just a sampling of things beyond our control. The only thing in life that you have absolute control of is YOU. So why do make life so much harder on ourselves than need be?

Unfortunately there are plenty of reasons in answering that question and yet the only honest answer is that there is no good reason. There is just something about humanity and the question of “Why” that unnecessarily complicates life. Almost all of us do it, and beyond some existentialist roundtables that should only exist in the first year of college and states of supreme highness, asking “why” is almost always surely what is not needed in seeking a life with clarity.

Why you ask? See how easy it is to get sidetracked from questions we almost always know the answers to and in the cases we did not…was an answer really necessary?

Ladies: there is no need to question men’s intentions towards you. They are almost always transparent. Unless a man does not find you attractive, his intention is to pursue some type of relationship with you. Who are we kidding, by relationship I mean sleep with you. It does not mean his manners and niceness are insincere, but never fail to believe it all comes with an agenda. Does this make men evil or dishonest? Ultimately that is your choice to decide. I think it just makes men predictable and simple.

Now for all of you out there that want to challenge the notion that men and women can simply have platonic relationships, I am not actually arguing that men and women cannot be friends. I am simply stating that platonic relationships, for men, are born from two circumstances; he is not attracted to you or you have put him in the friend zone and he is just willing to be patient enough that there may one day be the possibility that the friendship transfers to greater benefits.

This is not a cynical view of men and relationships, just an understanding of who men are and why they do what they do. Of course there are exceptions to every rule as well as the examples given are toward single men. Married or committed men are capable of engaging in purely platonic relationship with women.

Men: stop questioning if women really like you for you. If you are rich and successful, that is clearly part of you charm so just embrace it. Money and success make you more handsome than you are. They make your body and personality quirks and deficiencies “cute on you” and it can even make you taller, funnier and brighter. If you are successful, just own it for what it is.

For those of you on social media pretending to be successful, stop calling women gold diggers when all you have represented of yourself is that you are trick daddy. We all know women are attracted to successful men. Do not strive for success, in large part to impress women, and then have angst or penalize women for liking the things about you related to the success. Sure part of it may be things but another part is often the swag or drive that helped you achieve success.

Regardless, it is ironic that men would somehow penalize women for being attracted to the qualities that men work so hard to both achieve as well as show the results of such achievements. You buy the big car and big house for what reason? No one needs a 100k or better car or a 5000sf or more home. We like to celebrate/show off achievement so just stop questioning others motivation in wanting you. It should be clear, so just appreciate it for what it is and if there is any issue about someone’s motivations put it in writing (i.e. pre-nups).

Again, this is far from a cynical view on people and/or relationships, but rather just a blunt reminder to people to stop complicating facets of their inter-personal relationships. “Why” isn’t your friend when it comes to questioning people’s motivation or intent. Take people for who and what they are and by take I mean either accept the situation or move on. It will definitely put you a step closer to finding a balance and some peace.


#why, #stopaskingwhy, #peace, #balance, #men, #women, #relationships, #simplicity, #complications


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