I feel a mini-rant coming on…

I hate ill-mannered people. Hate is a strong word, but its cause I lack the vocabulary to properly and articulately emanate my visceral contempt for those that lack manners.

There is an expression that “good manners cost nothing,” so the usual broke people excuses hold no weight there. Manners are simple. Let’s start with; please, thank you, excuse me and sorry. I know that these are all words that you have all heard, before. Now some of you need to start regularly putting them in sentences. It is not difficult. You will not be looked upon as weak or a sucker (and if you are surrounded by people who somehow think the use of manners is somehow soft… you need to surround yourself with different people).

In fact the general consistent use of manners will probably get you much further in life. People take kindly to pleasant gestures. Those that possess and deliver manners inarguably receive the benefit of doubt as to character issues. Greeting people with hello is a form of having manners. Using the words please and thank you, are indicative of someone that has had some home training. Wolves are unfairly discredit with the question towards ill mannered people of whether they were raised by wolves. But, wolves have a very distinct social pecking order in which elders and status are minded all the time. Instead I say, stop acting as if you were raised by feral cats.

Parents one of you most important duties is to teach your children manners. Even if for some reason you were not taught those lessons as a child, you have surely been exposed to them by the time you have reached adulthood. Break the cycle and make sure that if nothing else you raise a kid with some home training.

Manners extends beyond just words as well. They may be the cornerstone, but gestures and actions are an important component to being well rounded with manners. Consideration is probably the most crucial of those gesture and actions. Being considerate can have many meanings and take on many different forms, but a few general principles are enough to cover most bases.

The first part of being considerate is simply to stop being selfish and think of others. Now, I know that is asking way too much of some go you self-centered, narcissistic fools, but just try it. A second and related component to that is to act in accordance with how you would want to be treated. Would you want to be pushed aside without someone saying excuse me or sorry? Then do not do it to others.

Normally I am guilty of oversimplifying complex subject matter. Today I am doing the opposite. Ill-mannered people are the worst. If that is you, stop it and get better. It is not difficult and it really is free to have the most basic of manners.

Thank you for enduring my rant for the day.



#manners, #rudepeople, #rudeness, #rant, #politeness, #raisedbywolves, #kindness, #people, #kellyanneconway



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