I need to start getting high!. Clearly this sober lucidity that I live within is handicapping me in this world of crazy, delusional irrationality.

I am having far too many conversations with myself (perhaps that is the problem right there) in which I am starting with “am I the only one that sees this?” I have to believe that most people are just high, because we all cannot be this crazy or even worse…dumb.

I already know that people are generally sheep… They follow somewhat mindlessly and while that is an overly harsh assessment, the best I am willing to relent to is that if not mindless, people are at best easily persuadable and manipulated. I had a really interesting conversation recently. My appreciation for those interactions is immense as I drift deeper into a feral existence, that is voluntary but also driven by the need to escape the insanity of humanity stuck on stupid.

I am not immune to the criticism I direct on others. I constantly have to challenge myself to be better. The conversation focused on free will and the choices that individuals make (and do no make) that ultimately impact their place in this world as well as the greater effect on humanity as a whole.

Humanity has always been imperfect. Older generations always look upon the mistakes of youth with a degree of incredulity, seeming to forget their own learning curves. While I remember my youth like it was yesterday, I am guilty of not understanding people all the while making sweeping analysis of people’s actions and inactions.

I sound like I am high right now. I am not but, clearly I give too much thought in trying to rationally ascertain the state of the society we live in. I do know that as technology moves on so do most traditions. Change is the only constant. An irony to me is that as people are more tech savvy, they still are far too complacent in “not knowing”. This is perplexing when information is so readily available at our fingertips.

I do not know if people are just overwhelmed at all the information, that they just do not take the time to amass enough of it, but it is clear not knowing s*** is way to acceptable in society today. The microwaveable society we live in, in which people want fame and wealth instantaneously without working for it or acquiring skill sets to attain them. People have always spoken in cliches, but now conversations with people, if you actually have one outside of a text, are a series of meme quotes or Instagram and Twitter posts where people act like their thoughts are limited to 140 characters.

I probably sound like the old angry guy, because it took me so long to learn how to effectively communicate with people, and now that I do, there are less people who seem to apprentice the efforts. My laconic persona was criticized for years as anti-social. I always had something to say, just did not feel comfortable sharing it with others. Now that I am ready willing and able, most do not want to talk just text, incomplete poor grammar Kardashianesque speak.

These are interesting times we live in. I hardly have it all figured out. Yet, what I do understand is that part of my learning curve, is to learn to adjust and grow with the changes that perpetually take place. Instead of lamenting how it used to be, I need to keep up and accept, while maintaining the values and beliefs I hold close, that humanity is a constant and evolving work in progress… no matter how backwards we may seem.




#progress, #humanity, #society, #kardashians, #Instagram, #Twitter, #technology






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