By Richard Ray


Anyone that knows me, is aware of my feelings regarding organized religion… I am not a big fan. Do not confuse this with me having any type of disdain for people’s beliefs in whatever god they worship or a diminishing in the importance that religion may have to various people and cultures worldwide. I respect your beliefs… I believe in God or a higher being… I just do not believe in following men in big hats, grandiose robes or man made words written to make others fearful and followers as justification for my spirituality or level of faith.

I was asked to go to church recently. I could not even tell you the type or religious denomination it was… for me it does not matter. Again, I respect any and everyone’s desires to attend their churches.. My personal feelings, beside this piece, are usually kept private. I am not seeking converts to followers in a anti religion, religion. Instead I simply asked why they thought my presence was somehow necessary in the building.

I was raised Catholic… confirmed and all and a graduate of a NYC parochial elementary school. I have been in churches as an adult for weddings and funerals. I am a frequent and awed visitor to many of the magnificent Churches throughout Europe (including a day at the Vatican and Notre Dame) and South America. The architechure and history behind these structures are beyond impressive, but I am never forgetful that they are man made.

When I asked specifically what it was about a church that necessitated my appearance, it appeared I was being unnecessarily argumentative, but I suggest my questions were fair. Besides the tax break I do not receive, what is the difference between my living room… my house and any church or house of worship?

I believe that we ALL have the same direct connection and hotline to God. I do not believe that any other man, woman, preacher or prophet actually has the ability to communicate any more directly with God than you or I. Even if you believe different, which is of course your right, the ability to speak to God, pray, reach out, ask for forgiveness and guidance are not dictated by a special man made building to do so. My living room… my car… the sidewalk… the restroom in Chili’s. Anyplace you choose to communicate, pray, ask for forgiveness and guidance from God is the appropriate and right place to do so.

We all seek guidance from others outside of God. We seek motivation, guidance and reminders from men and women all the time. This site no doubt plays a small role in providing those tools to some. . But, when it comes to my faith… my belief in God, it knows no structure or boundaries. It is wherever I am and it travels or stays wherever I am. I do not personally need a designated place to speak to God. I do not need a designated day of the week or building to do so. My faith remains strong and in place irrespective of any formality or regiment attached to it.



#faith, #religion, #church, #spirituality, #God




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