Aside from my formal education and experiences growing up in New York City, nothing has shaped my development more than being able to see, feel and experience people and places that were outside my normal boundaries of New York City. NYC may be the greatest city in the world, but the residents there often […]


Except perhaps related to relationships, quitting is the easiest thing in the world. Giving up is far easier than persevering through all the obstacles that life places in front of us. Those hurdles are both known and unforeseen and often they are formidable, without easy and clear fixes to them. I said quitting was only […]


  Merriam-Webster defines fear as: an unpleasant emotion caused by being aware of danger: a feeling of being afraid: a feeling of respect and wonder for something very powerful. Yet, you did not need me to define fear for you. We all know what it is…At least we know what it is conceptually. People hate […]


By Richard Ray:   For years, when challenged, I have argued the differences in my having strong opinions as distinctively distinguishable from being judgmental. Admittedly, I have some educational training in arguing semantics, but I acknowledge that the distinction is thin at best. Merriam-Webster’s definitions highlight how similar the words are, but for me conceptually […]


“Everyone experiences doubt: Perseverance is often what separates those who ultimately achieve success.” Richard Ray   Everyone loves a success story. Almost as universally, people love a story of redemption. We love a story of someone overcoming some tragedy or insurmountable odds to achieve the American dream of success. Success is some intangible, subjective idea […]