Many of us know that when someone starts off a sentence with “I don’t mean any disrespect”…the most disrespectful statement is sure to follow. Well I am unsure if it is the equivalent but, “I am in no way being judgmental, but…

As a point of disclosure I must state that I have no tattoos or piercings. I am old school in so many ways, but one of them is that I eschewed tattoos back in the day because when I may have not exactly been following the most righteous path, I never wanted any identifying marks on me. Piercings for men once upon a time weren’t considered the most manly of statements, and misguidedly I thought I was immune to the wants of pretty boys and gay men. That all seems so laughable today, as tattoos and piercings are the norm.

Ironically I stand out even more by not having any. The Allen Iversons’ and hip hop artist of the world took tattoos from the underground and stereotypes associated with them, while still existent, have truly diminished in capacity. The trend (or is it now a movement?) has not been restricted to men. Women have increasingly added body art to their canvas and the varying degrees range from modest and barely visible to “How you like me now!” in your face self expressions.

I do not judge anyone for their choices but I often have strong opinions. I am not a big fan of tattoos on women. Do not get me wrong I have seen beautiful pieces that I would actually describe as art. It is just not my personal taste and realize that the whole idea of tattoos on people and more specifically women, is super subjective.

My tastes favor small and discrete. I understand that people get tattoos for an array of reasons and messages are often ones in which case they are purposely displayed. However, (here it comes) I think I speak for most men when I say that the trend/movement/epidemic of tattoos on titties has got to stop. Of course it should go without saying that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants pertaining to her body and the concept of enhancements or statements thru body art is her choice alone irrespective of any man’s opinion. True indeed. However, that said, perhaps someone should give a PSA (and for no particular reason I have anointed myself) as to what most men’s opinion are on the subject. An additional point of clarification, I mean somewhat square men, with jobs and/or careers.

They are not a good look and almost universally disdained by the aforementioned demographic. Now if that demo is not what you are looking for then so be it, but just in case it is, ladies it is something that should be kept in mind. Now if you are attractive enough men can look past anything in the pursuit of the conquest, but that denial is momentary and fleeting. When assessing a long-term situation, most will not even allow themselves to take a woman with tattoos on her breast seriously. Professional men will not consider that woman as the one to take to corporate events, dinner with friends, vacations, to meet his mother or even have his children. They are not a good look to have your child breastfeeding from a billboard, and well when you get older, let me just be gracious in saying middle age and beyond as your body and breast changes well the tattoo is even more glaring. Call it what you want, and argue that if bothersome the tattoos can be covered up on most occasions, but most will not allow themselves to be subject to the stares, talk or opinions generated by those specific tattoos. Men love breasts (even butt men) and most of us do not understand why the choice of ink in that area. Am I the only one concerned with lead poisoning? Even if that is not the issue, why desecrate such a sacred area with a design or God forbid name of your ex. Ladies many men are tolerant if not even appreciative of tattoos, just perhaps not on that particular area of your canvas.

I am sure this opinion will draw as much backlash, as it does agreement. That’s okay it is only an opinion/PSA. So if you haven’t read the whole peace refrain from telling me I’m a misogynist or trying to dictate what women do with their bodies…I clearly am not. I am simply giving some incite, to anyone who may care, what many men think about tattoos on that particular part of women’s bodies…Do what you want with the info.


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