Have any of you ever seen a video of sheep being killed by wolves or other predators. I’ll spare you the actual visuals (though there is a fascinating documentary about Caucasian Shepherds used to protect sheep from wolves and other predators). The moral of the story is that the sheep stay bunched together as the wolves kill them one by one. They make no attempt to run away even as they clearly hear and see the wolves killing their families and friends right in front of their eyes; seemingly, placidly and patiently awaiting their turn.
The demeaning expression that people are mindless followers like sheep took on a whole new meaning following the exhausting coverage and subsequent outcome of the 2016 US Presidential elections. I always understood that people, in general, were just followers, but witnessing how easy it was to control the minds of the masses with false news stories, unsubstantiated rumors and innuendos and the acceptance of just blatant, easily verifiable lying, made me understand my insistence for honor, truthfulness as well as facts has been so misguided.
I do not plan on changing… but I realize I could have been way more successful if I had just taken the more manipulative, deceitful path. Attain enough power and you may not be above the law, but between buying influence and the best attorneys, the deck definitely becomes stacked heavily in your favor as long as you play your position once in the establishment.
I sound like I am on some Illuminati mess, but its really not that complicated… you have the money and power…forget the respect, you are the rules makers and that then allows you to become the rule breakers.
Meanwhile the masses remain in denial. They are so easily swayed by lies and misdirection that those in control have to occasionally sit back and laugh at how easily several thousand, without force or violence, are so easily able to control over hundreds of millions.
We just witnessed a presidential election in which a central component challenging one of the candidate’s character focused on leaked emails. Trump with the help of some of the media constantly rode the wave of email leaks as part of the reason Clinton was not only unqualified, but somehow deserved to be imprisoned. The emails were clearly hacked, yet without much persistence the press never seemed to focus on how one-sided (for the Republican party) all the hacking seemed to occur. Now our intelligence community is universally declaring that it was Russia that was behind the hacking in attempts to influence our election.
Two points are abundantly clear after the revelation that Russia was behind the hacks: How easily swayed so much of the American public was by essentially a juvenile distraction tactic, that never revealed any substantiated or substantive offerings, yet stayed in the news feeds for months. The other is how complacent we are once the evidence is found and as well as the further acceptance of our President-elect who has definitively sided with an attack on our nation (even if it was one in which he personally benefited) and his cuckolding of our national agencies in front of the world.
Is America outraged?…Calling for a re-do?… Asking for sanctions against Russia?… Asking where are all the Republican party emails if such information is so important? None of the above… Instead the country, en mass, sits back and allows for whatever it is about to receive. Spoiler alert…there are no Caucasian Shepherds coming to our rescue…and I do not even hear anyone clamoring first for a kiss and some KY. In this country we take it as the establishment see fits to give it to us, and when we act as if we are tired and ready to mobilize for change, they know just how to throw a well-placed war in a foreign land or diversion in our path to distract us from the real issues.
Sheep, as far as most of us know are docile animals. Most don’t have horns, but do have teeth and hooves. We accept a basic premise in the animal kingdom that there are predators and there are prey. However elsewhere, like in Africa the gazelle and buffalo, prey to the kings of the jungle, have adapted and developed tactics to survive against predators that have strength and aggression on their side but not numbers. The prey use their numbers sometimes to fight… often they just flee. They have adapted over the years to surviving and their numbers have continued to far outweigh those of the predators. They have learned to survive
The analogy is not one to advocate violence but instead state that the rich and powerful have stacked the deck in order to help perpetuate and maintain their interests. We have to understand that we have the numbers to fight them, figuratively speaking. We live in a democracy that allows each of us to have a vote and a voice. They try to tell us it doesn’t matter or create apathy to the process because they know that the more involved we all are, the less control they will be able to maintain and exert. They try to suppress our vote and voices in demographics that represent the greatest and most immediate threat to the status quo. We need to see these attacks for what they are and not just stand docile and wait. We must show the strength in our numbers and change the long historical narrative of people as mindless sheep easily lead to the slaughter.
You find the term or my suggestion offensive? Good, then change it! Adapt as every creature on earth has seemed to over time. There is no reason such a fractional percentage of our population should be able to exert dominance and control over us…the masses… but that will never change until WE force the change.
#peoplearesheep, #trump, #clinton, #election2016, #predators, #prey, #sheep, #change, #manipulation, #mindcontrol, #dominance, #Russia, #hacking, #emails, #russianhacking
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