I didn’t mean to spring the image of former NBA great Shaquille O’Neal’s foot on you like that without warning. I know some of you may be eating right now and… well I just hope you have a strong stomach. I first thought of just posting the image and asking readers what is it? My first thought it was the die cast they used for the new updated “Alien” movie.


Shaquille O’Neal is 7’1″ and his playing weight was listed at 325 pounds, though most would agree he was well over that amount for the last 10 years of his 20 year NBA career. The pounding that his size 22’s must have taken over the course of his legendary Hall of Fame career would justify feet that are worse for wear, but understanding this and seeing them are two different things.

Shaq is hardly alone in the jacked feet category. Have you ever see LeBron’s feet or even Usain Bolt’s or James Harden?

lebronjames im2nlpm


Usain Bolt


Even the recreational weekend athlete will tell you tales accompanied by proof of battered and bruised feet, athletes feet, dry and cracked feet, bunions, corns and deformities that make flip flops and open toe shoes a questionable choice. Bad feet are clearly an occupational hazard and most of your athletic heroes at least in basketball and track most likely have feet that could have come from a bad Chernobyl experience.

I think parents should use Shaq’s feet as the new boogeyman bed time story, told to their kids to get them to eat their vegetables, drink their milk and get enough sleep nightly, lest their feet turn out like that. Try it, you never know you might get 3-4 years of compliance, because that imaged seared into my head as a kid might have got me to eat and sleep right if I somehow thought that the lack of either could cause my feet to look like that.



#Shaqfoot, #Shaqfeet, #horror, #nightmare. #LeBronJames, #UsainBolt, #JamesHarden, #NBA, feet, #podiatry


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