Keeping the faith in humanity. It is always easier said than done. If you own a television or have access to the Internet, negativity appears to be around every corner… at your door step… in your living room… eating your food and drinking your liquor. If you have not already given up on people in […]


  I was asked recently why I write. My immediate response was because I can’t sing… I mean this sardonic wit isn’t just going to write itself… I get asked the question, in some variation, often and most people are more inquisitive as to why I write so much and so often without apparently getting […]


  TRY is a simple word that can take on so many different meanings. For the cynical, “try” symbolizes someone who has not achieved…someone who is declaring what he or she will do, instead of the surety of someone who has already made the commitment to a task. For the more positive and optimistic, “Try” […]


  The world is full of some really bitter people. Twitter is not the world but it gives a representative sampling of just how unhappy so many people really are. By my conservative alternative facts, 90% percent of the people on Twitter fall into the mad/sad/bitter category. 1% of Twitter is news. 5% of the […]


“THERE IS NO ROBBERY IN FAIR EXCHANGE” R. Ray The topic of fairness in the world of business is difficult to encapsulate. The issue is complex because of the subjectivity involved. Fairness is difficult enough to ascertain on a personal level, but in business, which is supposed to be impersonal and devoid of emotion it […]


I have been accused of being cold most of my adult life. The accusations were not (usually) that I was uncaring, but just generally emotionless and without apparent feeling. I, of course, disagree. I would think that I was cautious, mixed with a degree of realism and pragmatism. Normally I would acknowledge a bit of […]


I learn something new every day. Whether it is about myself or just knowledge gained from a subject I knew little to nothing about. I am fascinated about life, both in all that I have learned as well as the marvel of how little I know. These feeling are never overwhelming, in fact the opposite […]