If I hear one more Republican pundit excusing the racist bullshit out of their candidates by explaining that we need to remember that they were the party of Lincoln…well we all know I’m not going to do shit…but my fantasy would be to Stooge smack the shit out of each of these fools.

I am hardly a historian, but it is true that Lincoln did belong to the Republican Party (actually the party’s first president). For years, Blacks that were allowed to vote did so under the Republican banner. However, by the 1960’s and the advent of the Civil Rights Act, there had been a significant shift in voting strategy and it is safe to say Lincoln would not recognize the Republican party that emerged and still exists today.

The Republican party of the last 60 years has based itself on the principals of conservatism, both morally and economically, smaller federal government meaning less taxes and more states rights. Republicans are supposed to be the party tough on crime and punishment and liberal on gun rights and its opposition to gay marriages and abortions.

The GOP has lost it way with minorities, especially Blacks, since the sixties and the last ten years Blacks’ participation in the Republican party has reached all time lows. Having a Black president for the last eight years has surely impacted the majority of Blacks voting Democrat, but in this presidential election, Blacks are polling to vote at even more historic rates for the Democratic tickets.

The Republican Party has lost its MFing collective minds. They are so out of touch with the issues and concerns of Blacks and other minorities, that the political landscape will be forever changed if they do not make seismic changes in their ideologies and policies related to inclusivism of minorities.

Right now the GOP sounds like:

the Klan“, is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy white nationalism, anti-immigration and, especially in later iterations, Nordicism, anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed. All three movements have called for the “purification” of American Society, and all are considered right wing extremist organizations (Via Wikepedia)

Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. (Via

These historical descriptions of the Klan are nearly a dead on representation of the rhetoric and political tactics (i.e. voter suppression legislation passed in North Carolina) of the GOP today and its even more conservative brethren The Tea Party. “Make America Great Again” seems to represent a movement for many as calls for White nationalism. Trump’s immigration policy is largely built on a platform of mass deportation of millions of Mexicans.

The rhetoric of it politicians including Trump and more recently Kentucky’s governor that if Hilary and more Democrats (liberals) take over the presidency and more of congress, senate and the states, that there will be uprisings and violence, that these candidates and politicians accept if not outright condone to protect the conservative ideology is how terrorist organizations speak when they do not get their way or are preparing to strike.

I digressed into hyperbole, yet the fact remains that the call to arms of some of the GOP cannot be ignored or excused. There is dangerous rhetoric that is being delivered from the top of the party and while I am not saying it is indicative of the GOP’s entire base, it is striking a cord with a large, vocal, group that needs to be minimally checked.

The irony to all of this is that Black people would be Republicans if you just let us. Many Blacks in this country have conservative political views. Many Blacks in this country have conservative moral tenets. Many Blacks are tough on crime and want smaller federal government with less taxation and greater state autonomy. Many Blacks are extremely frustrated with the Democratic Party and its inattention to the true needs of minorities until it is campaigning season.

More Blacks would support the Republican Party if the party acted like they wanted to be inclusive. On local levels when politicians do not need Blacks because the demographics clearly support their exclusion it is evident. However, in other jurisdictions and national elections you do not see Republican candidates even acknowledging the demographic until it is perfectly clear there is a need. Trump campaigned for the presidency for over a year before he even acknowledged Blacks directly. From there he went on a whirlwind two week tour, meeting with Black “leaders”, going to a Black church and then declaring himself a true representative leader for Blacks.

We are not that easy, but conversely we are not that difficult to court. The GOP has to do a better job of including Blacks and Hispanics. It has to stop fighting the inevitability of America’s changing population and understand that Whites may not continue to be the numerical majority over all minorities. People Of Color are not going anywhere in America, no matter how many walls are proposed to be built and deportation is threatened. So instead of fighting for a yesteryear that is never going to return the GOP needs to wake up and embrace other POC who have more similar views instead of wishing they simply didn’t exist.






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