On May 24th the body of United States Federal Prosecutor Beranton Whisenant, Jr. was found dead floating in the waters along the beach in Hollywood, Florida. The 37 year old father of 3 was found fully clothed, seemingly with all his personal effects still on him when we was pulled from the shallows, deceased with head trauma. As of this writing it has not been disclosed if the head trauma was by a bullet or other means and his death has not yet been ruled either a homicide or suicide.
The Federal Prosecutor is only the 14th US prosecutor killed while still serving, so needless to say the circumstances surrounding his life and death will be closely scrutinized in the coming months. Whisenant was fairly new to the Federal Prosecutor’s office and he had beed assigned to major crimes, working on visa and passport fraud cases as well as teaching a paralegal course at the University of Miami.
Where is Hannity, Newt Gingrich, Fox News and all of these other right wing conspiracists voices at the death of a Federal prosecutor under clear mysterious circumstances? Where are those same voices at the suspicious circumstances behind the death of NY State Appellate Court Judge (The highest court in the state) Sheila Abdus-Salaam (formerly Sheila Turner), found in the Hudson River on April 12, 2017? Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, both (Jurists) were African American. The Muslim Abdus-Salaam was appointed to New York State’s highest court in 2013 by Governor Cuomo.

Her death was ruled a suicide by the NYPD, but the case is technically open pending further inquiry from the New York Medical Examiner. Yet, where are the conspiracy theories championed by Right Wing Conservatives, Hannity and Fox News? An African American and Muslim judge on New York State’s highest court, dies under suspicious circumstances, approximately 45 days before the death of an African American federal prosecutor. Not a peep from Fox related to any type of conspiracy. I know no facts support any such theory as of yet, but that did not stop Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich from promoting the death of Seth Rich as possibly at the hands of assassins related to his leaks to Wikileaks, despite zero proof of any such connection.
Rich was a 27 year old Democratic National Committee staffer who was killed in what police have ruled as a robbery just outside of his home at approximately 4am in D.C. last July. Hannity and Gingrich have stated that Rich was somehow as retribution for being the person who leaked over 10,000 of the DNC’s emails to Wikileaks prior to the election. Besides the official police ruling of the robbery, there has never been any verified proof that Seth Rich was the person behind the Wikileaks leaks.
I am no big promoter of conspiracies. The death of Judge Abdus-Salaam is highly suspicious in nature. Even though no evidence of foul play has been found to date, she appeared healthy, was recently re-married ( to a preacher) and by all accounts her friends and colleagues expressed shock at her death.
It appears too early in the investigation of Beranton Whisenant’s death to definitively say what the circumstances behind his death are, but the fact that it is so rare for active Federal Prosecutors to be killed in office is deserving of the exhaustive investigation his death will presumably receive. The coincidence behind the death of these two African American jurists may be entirely coincidental, but I find it hard to believe that these right wing conspiracy theorists, who never let a little thing like facts get in the way, have not addressed these deaths at all. I do not know the political affiliation of either Abdus-Salaam or Whisenant, but I believe that it is safe to say they were not staunch conservatives, but the death of a Muslim judge in New York State’s highest court you would suspect would receive the same level of questioning and outrage from those that actively promote these type of conspiracies.
The level of suspicion and intrigue surrounding these two high profile deaths is such that the silence of the pervasive conspiracy theorists, seems to be conspiracy fodder in itself.
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#BerantonWhisenant, #FederalProsecutor, #USAttorney, #Miami, #HollywoodBeach, #murder, #suicide, #death, HollywoodFlorida, #Florida #Hannity, #FoxNews, #SheilaAbdus-Saalam, #NewYorkCourtofAppeals, #judgesdeath, #conspiracies, #conspiracytheories