By Richard Ray:


Ever notice that the people that are always talking about loyalty or proclaiming themselves as the most loyal are usually in fact the opposite?

There is no actual objective standard to define loyalty, yet the subjectivity involved should not dictate a shifting standard to suit your needs or narrative. Rant number 279 comes because disloyal people irritate me to no end.

I am past calls for blind loyalty. While I grew up using metaphors expressing ‘Ride or Die” concepts of loyalty, my “Godfather” fixation has graduated to more realism and practicality. I just want people to be as real as they proclaim and stop with the convenient memory losses towards those that have been there for you.

Friends and I jokingly call it people getting brand new, yet it really is not that humorous after all. Acting brand new, is just a case of memory loss at your recent circumstances and often toward all the people who have helped you along the way. What you may or may not actually owe people may be debatable. While what we owe others may be up for discussion, far too many disloyal people simply bypass the discussion altogether.

Loyalty is about remembering those that have helped you and/or been there for you. Loyalty is about standing beside others through difficult times. It is also about repaying the generosity of others that have been there for you through your difficult times. Again I am well aware of the subjectivity involved in defining many elements of loyalty. That subjectivity is okay, because disloyal people generally escape any threshold at all.

I used to be consumed by this notion, as if I lived in some alternative universe where the actions of others, good and bad, had way too much impact on my daily existence. Today, that is not the case. I still value loyalty, friendship and people in general. I just no longer allow the actions of others to be more than inconveniences along the way. I believe that the inactions of others have helped to make me a better person. My imperfections could fill up a bad novel, but one thing that I do not believe that could ever be questioned is my loyalty. Subjective I know, but at least an effort is made. Unfortunately too many others are not able to say the same.


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#loyalty, #friendship, #rideordie


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