Kanye: I know I’m three hours late, but you should be honored by my lateness, that I would even show up to this fake shit. Me: Why are you yelling? It’s only you and I in the room…I can hear you fine. Kanye: You don’t understand…too many people are not recognizing my greatness…treating me like […]

Our society, and America in particular, is moving further and further away from what used to be deemed nuclear or traditional relationships. I realize I may be a king of oversimplification but by traditional I mean a mother, father and children residing in the same household. Society has changed significantly and gone are the days […]

The topic sets off a variety of emotions and thoughts that run across a wide spectrum, but in reality there are really only two sides to this coin: People for gun control and people adamantly against it. The two sides are fervent when it comes to the issue, invoking varying degrees of sense and non-sensibility. […]

By Richard Ray: For most of my teenage and young adult life I lived in a perpetual state of “I wish a N**** would” The angry Black man who’s very state of being was a Public Enemy soundtrack. My high school yearbook quote was by Melly Mel: “Don’t Push me cause I’m close to […]

Believe Em
“A friend once said, and I found to be true That everyday people, they lie to God too So what makes you think, that they won’t lie to you” Lauryn Hill- “Forgive Them Father” People really are who they are. No, this is not a paraphrasing of Popeye, but one of those fundamental truisms […]