Years ago there was a best selling book that was out titled “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.” I never it read it, cause I just couldn’t get past the title, but evidently millions of others did, as it highlighted the seeming differences between men and women.

My title isn’t as catchy and it is definitely lacking in political correctness, but it goes straight to the heart of the simplicity (even if oversimplified) of the differences in the sexes and how they interact and communicate with each other.

Let’s start with men. Ladies, you give us too much credit in general. Men are by in large simple and dumb. Our needs are largely primal and anything and everything beyond that is all tied in to remixing for the primal urges and needs: Food, Sex and Silence. Men are driven by food, sex and peace and quiet.

Men’s quest for materialism is simple. The money, the flash, the cash is all intended to attract and draw in women. We think we need lots of money, nice cars, a home and material objects to attract women, and nearly everything we do is dedicated to those pursuits.

The lies that men tell… are all simple to understand. Nearly every lie that men tell is rooted in the desire to either impress women, preserve relationships with women or self-serving tales in the pursuit of other women. At best there is two degrees of separation to any lie that a man tells and its relation to women.

This is not an excuse or justification for the lie, but when understand anything in context, it helps you further along in any process. You never have to ask why because the question is almost always rhetorical in nature. Men are just simpletons.

Society expectations and consequences have done more to curb our instincts and behavior. The rules of society and our personal relationships may dictate our behavior, but all anyone needs to understand is the primordial needs that essentially drive our existence. We do dumb things because that’s who we are. An Ivy League education does not displace who we are as a whole… simple, flawed easy to figure out if you do not overthink it.

Women are an entirely different, beautiful, complex mess. The simplicity of men is completely overmatched by the complex crazy that women embody. Ask a woman a question of what she really wants from a man and you will get the most direct affirmation of someone who has thought about the subject and can articulate it succinctly and clearly. Let her continue to talk and the list will grow larger and increasingly begin to be mixed in with contradictions.

The simple answer to what women want from men is everything, but that comes with so many circumstantial conditions and addendums that if you think that simple minds can understand…think again.

When it comes to men women overthink everything. You all think that you are forensic scientists that the FBI keeps mistakenly failing to recruit, when in reality you most resemble Inspector Clouseau. Remember the culprits are not hard to figure out.

Women expect men to understand the long lists of wants and needs. If the list was actually not given then mind reading is expected…no demanded. How the hell can men (who are not particularly bright), keep up with ever changing wants and needs? The answer is they cannot, but does that really even matter, because even if you were somehow fluent in crazy, you would know that everything you ever knew or understood about a particular woman, could change instantly without warning.

I am of course generalizing and oversimplifying a subject that has been studied for years. The reality is that we are different. Our differences sometimes make for unnecessarily interesting times, but that is all part of the journey we call life… Enjoy the ride as best you can.


#men, #women, #life, #battleofthesexes, #communication


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