TRY is a simple word that can take on so many different meanings. For the cynical, “try” symbolizes someone who has not achieved…someone who is declaring what he or she will do, instead of the surety of someone who has already made the commitment to a task.

For the more positive and optimistic, “Try” is a declaration of the upcoming effort about to be expended towards success. Before you can do or achieve, you have to try and trying then needs to involve maximum effort. The clichés about effort are endless, but most hold truths.

Effort is totally subjective, but most of us are able to give honest assessments of the efforts that we give, whether of a personal or professional nature. It is not always easy to quantify effort, but most of us have faked effort enough times (from working out to how hard you pretended to work at your job) to know what minimum effort is, by contrast we also know when we are expending maximum effort.

I have no empirical data to support my claim, but maximum effort is always rewarded. This level of effort needs to exist in every facet of our lives. We cannot expect to be successful in our professional lives without exerting maximum effort to achieve that success. Unfortunately maximum effort alone is not a guarantee to success, but who could argue against a presumption that hard work is one of the keys to success, despite any slacker folklore that exists.

There are many hardworking people that might be reading this saying what are the fair rewards to all their long hours? As the son of a mother who worked countless overtime hours at a thankless job with no bonus or upward mobility, I understand that some of this may be falling on deaf eyes. However, what’s the alternative, give less effort and do not work as hard? I think you all resoundingly know that is not an alternative solution.

In our personal lives and relationships, maximum effort needs to be the standard as well. We cannot expect to attain the maximum or most positive results from our personal relationships without putting in the maximum efforts. Of course one of the definitions of subjective would fall into a category of having someone, close to you, define the level of your efforts. This means not only doing the work and putting in the time, but making sure others are aware of the real efforts put forth.

Whatever you do… whatever you are into… whatever you are trying to achieve… give it your all… Your maximum effort will be rewarded, if for no other reason than you know you did everything necessary to achieve your goals. No one, including yourself, could ever ask for more from you than that.



#maximumefforts, #trying, #positivity, #hardwork, #efforts, #subjectivity, #professionallives, #personallives


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