No matter how positive you try and live your life. No matter how much personal growth you have attained…you will be tried…and the person that you strive to be will be tested not to revert to the person you may have been. I write daily. Some of my writings are charged socio-political commentary, but just […]


“STOP TRYING TO PROVE YOUR WORTH TO THOSE UNWORTHY OF YOUR PROOF” R. Ray Adulthood is filled with numerous and necessary examples that require us having to prove ourselves to others. College applications are the first major example soon followed by resumes and eventually your first real jobs. We are constantly prodded and challenged to […]


I am definitely one that thinks our present generation has grown up soft as pudding left in a hot car on a summer day. Yet, even I have to concede that they face some obstacles that my generation did not have to deal with, specifically related to bullying. Bullying has surely been around long before […]


I figured yesterday’s piece would illicit some response, if for no other reason then the politically incorrect title (“Men are Dumb, Women are Crazy”). I was not incorrect. Within a few hours after its posting, I received a call from a friend. She was calling to share that she was presently taking time off and […]


I am all for confidence. It is one of the most important characteristics any person needs in order to succeed and one of the sexiest traits a woman (and so I’ve been told a man) can have. However, (today’s equivalent of I don’t mean to be disrespectful, followed up by the most disrespectful statement) some […]